255 - Shawn Porter interview

Shawn Porter has been a key figure in the body modification world for decades. I first met Shawn through BME in the early 2000s and I have watched his creative influence on the industry ever since. Today, Shawn publishes body modification history through his Sacred Debris website and various print projects. 2024 was the year of Shawn saying yes to projects he may have turned down in the past; conferences, public speaking, and podcasts. So I jumped at the opportunity to have Shawn come on the show, I hope you enjoy what we recorded. We talk about Shawn's teenage entry into the body modification world through his contact with pioneer Jack Yount, then we transition into the BMEZINE years, MODCON, Scar Wars, and much more. Content Warning: graphic explicit conversations about genital piercing and modification, heavy body modification work, friends who have passed away, and extensive use of the word "cock".
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